Everyday Evil

We sometimes are so focused on the experience of life in God's Kingdom every day that it is easy to forget that, for now, the Kingdom we experience exists with great evil all about it. And there is no middle ground. Either we live in the Kingdom or the chaos of evil.

Every so often evil rears its ugliness in ways that are hard to fathom and ignore. In the Theater you will find a review of the movie Sound of Freedom and the Library features the Murphy Shepherd fiction series by award-winning author, Charles Martin. The film and the novels drive home the horror of human sex trafficking. It is an evil we may have recognized in an intellectual sense, but if you see the movie and read the books you grasp it with your senses and understanding you never had follows.

I am retired, but in my professional career I became involved in some matters which revolved around sex trafficking. My role was very much on the fringes, but even from there I learned about unspeakable abuses. Evil -- great evil -- is the only word to describe it. I know some response to the Sound of Freedom has suggested that it overplays the issue. I can tell you that whether or not the movie is flawed, sex trafficking of children and adults is real. Very real.

Life in Christ's Kingdom every day includes not only being transformed by the Holy Spirit into the people we were intended to be, but also being used by the Holy Spirit to push the Kingdom against the evil of the world. Learning who you are intended to be and then what you can be used to accomplish gives that thing we all seek for our lives -- purpose. If you find that you are called in any way to act against the evil of human trafficking, I encourage you to seek out the Tim Tebow Foundation and find how you might play a role fighting this evil.

© 2023, Thomas Trezise

1 Comment

Laura Cameron - August 13th, 2023 at 8:19pm

Tom, I just saw this movie this past month. I haven't stopped thinking about this children since then. I actually want to help somehow with my present not just money. Thank you for the Tim Tebow reference. When I researched into the "Sound of Freedom" it directs you to help with your local law enforcement. I hope I can get involved soon.