Get Started 

The Everyday Kingdom is a community of people seeking to experience Christ in their lives on a daily basis, not just in the crises but also the small things of every day life.  Drop in anytime to see what is happening. The Everyday Kingdom exists for you, not just the small group of founders. The Facebook Forum and Kingdom Stories are the places where most participate in the community. In the Facebook Forum you may engage others and learn from each other by starting topics for discussion, by commenting on discussions started by others, or by raising questions to the community. The more each person participates the richer and broader the resources available to all become. We consider all who actively use any of our resources as members of our community. Please register by completing the Participate form below to engage more actively in the community.  Be sure to check the Terms of Use ground rules first though. Completing the form for any reason serves as a registration if you are new to The Everyday Kingdom.

Other ways to participate:

  • Write. If you are a writer, we invite you to contribute beyond the Forum by providing content to be published in The Everyday Kingdom.
  • Edit. If you have experience as an editor or aspire to be one, we could use your help.  
  • Volunteer. We need volunteers to help keep the community growing and developing.  
  • Give. Please consider donating to The Everyday Kingdom to help with operational costs and expansion. We are a 501(c)3 Federal tax-exempt organization.
We will acknowledge Writers, Editors, and Volunteers on a page HERE dedicated to that purpose, including a brief biography and a link to any website they have promoting their services. 


We're delighted that you've decided to participate in The Everyday Kingdom.

Fill out the form below to get started.