Writer or Editor Signup Form

Writers. The Everyday Kingdom offers many opportunities for writers to contribute, such as Kingdom Stories, the Library, the Theater, and the Jukebox. Writers retain the copyrights to any material we choose to publish and final consent to publish, but we retain the right to edit or refuse to publish what you write. If you have written or are writing a book, novel, short story, or article that you believe illustrates some aspect of the Kingdom, we will review it for possible inclusion in the Library with a link to where readers may find and purchase it. You may submit as frequently as you choose. Indicate below that you want to write and we will contact you with more information.

Editors. If you have experience as an editor or aspire to be one, we could use your help. All contributions at Kingdom Stories will be limited to a maximum reading time of five minutes, approximately 750 words or less. Submission for reviews at the Library, the Theater, or the Jukebox may also need to be edited. We will receive Kingdom Stories submissions, however, in whatever size of the original submitted by the writer. Sermons from pastors are prime examples. We have to edit them to approximately 750 words and need editors to undertake the projects. We estimate the process of editing a sermon to require 1-2 hours. You may take as many or as few assignments as you prefer. Indicate below that you want to edit and we will contact you with more information.

Writers and Editors must agree with our Statement of Beliefs to participate.